U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Long-term communications strategy and implementation plan

Award Winner


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“the Service”) is the federal agency that manages national wildlife refuges, protects endangered species, manages migratory birds, and restores nationally significant land areas.


Hatcher developed a communications strategy and implementation plan for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (the Service)’s External Affairs office. This plan will help the Service grow external audiences, achieve its communications goals, and advance its important mission to conserve and protect fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continued benefit of all Americans.


Hatcher started with research: We interviewed internal team members and partners, surveyed internal staff, and completed an audit of communications tools, including social media. We also held a messaging session to develop compelling messages about the Service’s important work. We developed and presented a findings and recommendations document based on our research to Service leadership. Next, based on this document and feedback from the Service, the Hatcher team drafted a communications strategy and implementation plan. The communications strategy laid out the Service’s multi-year communications goals, objectives, target audiences, and strategies for reaching those audiences, as well as identifying areas for growth. The implementation plan outlined the Service’s communications capabilities and identified specific tactics, timelines, and actions in support of the strategy.


Public Affairs

Strategic Communications

Strategic Events


Digital Engagement



Hatcher developed the communications strategy and implementation plan to recommend tactics to drive progress toward goals, reach stakeholders, and improve capacity. The strategies and tactics were based on detailed findings from meetings, stakeholder interviews, a messaging session, and our audit of the Service’s communications materials and social media accounts, as well as our experience working with government agencies and nonprofit organizations. The plan included compelling and consistent messaging that resonates with target audiences.

Strategic Communications

Based on research to delve deeper into the Service’s communications needs, opportunities, and challenges—including internal and external stakeholder interviews and an audit—the Hatcher team drafted a communications strategy and implementation plan. The strategy laid out the Service’s multi-year communications goals, objectives, target audiences, and strategies for reaching those goals and audiences, as well as identifying areas for growth. The implementation plan outlined the Service’s current communications capabilities and potential gaps, and identified specific tactics, timelines, actions to seamlessly adopt the strategy. The plan also included social media recommendations to enhance the Service’s following, data to streamline meetings, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress.


Hatcher held a messaging session with members of the Service’s External Affairs team. The session was a facilitated conversation that led to the development and refinement of core messages to better reflect the Service and garner support for the Service’s calls to action. Hatcher developed overall key messages, messages to target audiences, and messages to support the four key priorities of the Administration.

Designed Materials

To support the communications strategy and implementation plan, Hatcher created social media graphics to support the Administration’s priorities and a social media toolkit. The team also created a fact sheet to succinctly explain the Service’s work to target audiences.

Our Impact

  • This plan will help the Service grow external audiences, including more diverse audiences, achieve its communications goals, and advance its important mission to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continued benefit of all Americans.

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