Social media has become a key part of our client’s digital campaigns, but it’s also constantly evolving. With every platform change, experts share new tips or best practices for people to include in their strategies. Some tips are beneficial, while others leave out necessary insights. Because it’s not always easy to tell which ones are worth implementing, here are three common social media myths to be aware of before you shape your strategy:
Myth 1: Posting frequently is the only way to gain traction.
When it comes to posting on social media, many organizations believe that posting more frequently delivers stronger results. But, let’s face it—no one wants to see the same message pop up in their news feed five times a day. The reality is that posting too frequently can lead to audience fatigue and may encourage them to unfollow you. Instead, focus on the quality of your message by making sure your posts are engaging and consistent. These types of posts will not only draw your audience in, but they will encourage your audience to interact with you as well.
Myth 2: Paid and organic tactics should be seen as separate.
There’s no denying that paid and organic strategies are different. That doesn’t mean they can’t work together. A solid organic social media strategy should help build awareness for paid social media tactics. That way, when the audience sees an ad, they are more likely to interact with it. An easy way to make sure your organization is doing this is by posting similar content organically or building out social media toolkits for partners to help them share your message.
Myth 3: You should treat every social platform the same.
How many social media platforms is your organization on? Chances are, it’s more than one. That’s a good thing. Organizations should be on multiple platforms because each one comes with a different audience and a different way to interact with them. That also means the strategies for each audience should be unique. But don’t worry; having multiple strategies doesn’t need to be a complicated and time-consuming task. Instead, it could just mean tweaking simple things like the post length, word choice, or the number of hashtags included. These small adjustments can alter your posts to better fit the social platform and its overall demographic.
Social media will continue to change, but that doesn’t mean best practices will completely shift with the platforms. Although it may be daunting to keep the pace amid social media changes, it is important to start out small when trying something new, and not abandon your tried-and-true tactics.