Chelsi Hall

Senior Associate

Chelsi Hall is a public relations and communications professional with a passion for human connection and storytelling.

Before joining the Hatcher Group, Chelsi served as a Public Relations Account Coordinator at VSC. In her role she was able to facilitate connections and storytelling opportunities for clients in the startup tech space. She has a few years of experience developing social media strategy, pitching media for stories and podcasts, and developing product launch and media strategy.

At Hatcher, Chelsi supports the Communications team with copywriting, client strategy, and media relations.

Chelsi received a Bachelor’s Degree of Media, Journalism and Film Communications from Howard University


  • Establishing thoughtful branding and messaging for the farthest reach and maximum impact.
  • Finding wisdom in the research and data and applying it.
  • Telling impactful stories that give a voice to the voiceless.

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