Marzia Motta

Senior Art Director

Marzia Motta is a reliable and passionate graphic designer and illustrator. Her love for design and dedication to community will drive her contribution to any project.

Originally from Italy, her experience includes design, photography, teaching, fine art, and performance art.

Prior to joining The Hatcher Group, Marzia was Senior Graphic Designer at MicroStrategy for eight years, where as part of the marketing department, she helped develop the company’s branding and assisted all worldwide design needs. As a freelancer, she worked with a variety of clients, including New America Foundation, Batalà Washington, ShareXMobility, Zawadi, NABE, independent scientists, musicians, and more.

She earned her BFA from George Mason University where she graduated Summa Cum Laude with honors. In her spare time, she enjoys writing and illustrating children’s books, traveling, drawing, drumming, and visiting the best playgrounds the world has to offer.


  • Love always: Reliable, dedicated and loyal both in the work environment and in life.
  • Art and design: Creative, open-minded thinker, and always ready to accept any challenge to help communicating concepts through visual means.
  • Doing my part for future generations: “Sarà difficile chiederti scusa, per un mondo che è quel che è. Io nel mio piccolo tento qualcosa. Ma cambiarlo è difficile.” (It is going to be hard to apologize to you for a world that is the way it is. In my own small way, I will try to do something, although it will be hard to change it.)

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